Saturday, May 7, 2011

NOAA data, carrots, spinach, beans, arugula, lettuce

The link for climate data:

Also, reseeded Boxes with Rainbow carrots (left side, Yaya carrots (right side), Lavewa spinach, arugula, and London Springs mix lettuce.

Plants Jade Beans in Bed 2.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Temperature got down to 34 and there was frost on the plants in the morning.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peas, Tomatoes, Tomatillo, Cauliflower, Potatoes

Outdoor transplants: Tomatoes, Tomatillo, and Cauliflowers, Celery.
Planted potatoes that had sprouted in the pantry: Russets
Transplanted curly parsley into the herb garden.

The Dakota peas and many of the Serge peas never sprouted so I replanted the Serge peas and left the area of pea shoots empty since the beans will go in soon. I think they did not sprout beause of the very heavy rains that occurred for the full week after planting.

Mostly Sunny
58° | 40°

Friday, April 8, 2011


Frost on the ground this morning, 34deg last night, but a beautiful sunny day.

The sun damaged the tomato and cabbage starts during their hardening off today, some of the leaves look bleached.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Outdoor planting:
Box 2: Bright Lights Chard (right side)
Box 8: Yaya and Rainbow Blend Carrots (left side)

Bed 4:
Turnip Golden Ball
Kale Winter Red
Mustard TahTsai
Kale Chinese Ryokuho
Broccoli PacMan
Cauliflower Cheddar
Cabbage Steins Late Flat Dutch
Brussel Sprouts: Roodnerf

Sprouted plants:
Brussel Sprout Roodnerf
Ching Chang

The Negreta and Broad Windsor Fava are slightly larger and healthier looking than the Statissa.
The Schweizer Riesen Peas are by far the largest of the peas so far.

Mix of cloud, sun, and rain
Day temp of 40-45
Predicted night temp of 36

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Newly sprouted plants:
Cascadia Snap Peas

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Frost on the car this morning, got down to 33 last night.

Chance of Storm
54° | 40°

Monday, March 21, 2011


Planted Sweet Marjoram and Yellow Pear Tomatoes.

The Cascadia Snap Peas have just started to come up.

The radishes are starting to come up.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Herb Seeds

Planted herb seeds:

Basil Mammoth Sweet
Basil Siam Queen
Basil Sweet Basil
Chives Garlic
Coriander Santo
Coriander Santo - from 2009 plant
Dill Dukat Leafy
Dill Long Island Mammoth
Fennel Florence Finocchio
Oregano Greek
Thyme German Winter

I transferred the 2" Parsely Dark Green Italian Plain and Utah 53-70 R Improved Celery starts to seed pots.

Other pepper seeds that have sprouted:
Purple Beauty
Black Hungarian
Jimmy Nardello's Sweet

Grafted the Niedzwetzkyana onto M-27 root stock and planted it at the end of the espalier.
Grafted the Limon scion onto the pear tree in the front yard. It was hard to secure the two branches together while on the ladder and I don't know if the graft will take.
Need to buy real grafting equipment for next year.

Sunny this morning, but overcast for most of the day.
Chance of Showers
52° | 41°

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Scions and Seed Trays

Awoke to frost in the backyard and sunny skies. The temperature got down to 34 early this morning.
I went to the Fruit Propigation Fair today and bought a dward rootstock and a Niedzwetzkyana scion for the espalier. I also picked up a Limon quince scion to try grafting onto the pear tree.

Planted Collards in Bed4.

Planted Spinach, Arugula, and Beets in their boxes.
Edward made covers for the self-watering containers.
Planted Watercress in hanging container 3 and Malabar Spinach in hanging container 4.

Placed cat string on Bed 4.

I bought new seed trays and I think they will work perfectly for the growth chamber. I transferred all the pots with multiple seedlings into one container each.

Mostly sunny all day with light showers
49° | 40°

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Seeds that have sprouted:
Schweizer Riesen, Heirloom Snow Pea (16 days)
Roquette Arugula (11 days)
Olympic Hybrid Spinach (11 days)

Still raining heavily, the sun was out for a bit, but then it hailed again.
Chance of Rain
49° | 41°

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Indoor Seeds

Planted seeds in pots with 1" of seedling mix and the rest with 2/3 compost and 1/3 seedling mix:
Peppers, 3 each:
Purple Beauty
California Wonder Orange
Canary Bell
California Wonder

Tomatoes that have sprouted and currently are ~3" with true leaves starting to form:
Oregon Spring Extra Early x3
Jolly Elf Hybrid x4
Isis Candy x1
Burbank Slicing x4
Green Zebra x2

One Eggplant has sprouted and is ~1"
One Tomatillo has sprouted and is ~3"

Peppers that have just begun to sprout:
California Wonder Orange
Cherry Bomb
Canary Bell

The weather has been very wet with near constant rain and clouds for day. Yesterday there was hail and lightning.
Boxes 3 and 4 flooded and I worry that the endives will not survive.

Chance of Storm
47° | 40

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring planting

Finished planting peas in Bed 2 and put up bird netting.
Transplanted all the lettuce and endives:
Box 4: Endives
Box 5: Head lettuce (Romaine and Red Iceberg)
Box 6: Leaf Lettuce (Spring Mix)
Added more compost to Bed 1 and planted radishes and green onions.
Added dirt from Bed 3 to Bed 4, also added another bag of Gardner's Choice, compost, and perlite.
Transplants the cabbage and broccoli sprouts to Bed 4.
Planted White Globe Turnips, Nero Di Toscana Kale, Green Wave Mustard, and Ching Chang in Bed 4.
52° | 41°

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First day of hardening lettuce and broccolis

Down to 40 last night.
Put all lettuce and broccoli starts outside on the porch for their first day of hardening off.
52° | 43°

Monday, March 7, 2011


Cats dug up the new dirt in the planter boxes. Fixed the soil and replants the seeds. Laced string over the boxes, but need to find a better solution.

Added compost to Bed 1, but had to stop due to heavy rain.

Temp got down to 30 last night and there was frost this morning.

49°F | 41°F

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beets, Chard, Arugula, Spinach

Planted seeds:
Box 1 Roquette Arugula, 16 per sq ft, left side
Box 2 Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard, 2 per sq ft, left side
Box 3 Olympic Hybrid Spinach, 9 per sq ft, left side
Box 7 Egyptian Flat Beets, 9 per sq ft, left side

Moved leaves from Bed 1 to leaf barrel.

47°F | 37°F

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Peas, Fava

Planted seeds for Bed 2:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Indoor Seeds

Planted seeds in pots with 1" of seedling mix and the rest with 2/3 compost and 1/3 seedling mix:
Peppers, 3 each:
Black Hungarian
Cherry Bomb
Sweet Banana
Santaka Hot Asain
Purple Beauty
California Wonder Orange
Canary Bell
California Wonder
Early Jalapeno
Jimmy Nardello's Sweet

Oregon Spring Extra Early x3
Jolly Elf Hybrid x4
Isis Candy x3
Yellow Pear x3
Burbank Slicing x4
Green Zebra x6

Mexican Strain x6

Imperial Black Beauty, Heirloom x6